#136 | Building Edge-Ready Web Application On Cloudflare

Theme : Edge Computing, Web Applications, Full-Stack, CloudFlare, AI

The talk will delve into the exciting realm of edge computing and how it can be leveraged using Cloudflare.It will showcase the creation of an AI-powered application that incorporates a ChatGPT clone, demonstrating AI's potential on the edge.

The audience will gain insights on edge computing, its advantages, and how Cloudflare can help in building edge-ready applications.

Especially using their new services like databases with D1, object storage with R2, Workers, …

They'll also learn about integrating AI capabilities into these applications, particularly using the popular language model, ChatGPT.

This is the opportunity to see a live demo of an edge-ready ChatGPT application and to understand the technical considerations involved in its development.


Will be held in English




Liip, Lausanne

If you can't make it, the event will be available on Youtube afterwards. Thanks to our wonderful premium sponsors @superhuit, @liip_ch, @infomaniak & @HidoraSwiss who help us make these journey possible 🙂

#EdgeComputing #Cloudflare #ChatGPT #AIApplications #ChatbotDevelopment

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