#138 | Improv(e) your leadership

Themes : Team collaboration, leadership

During this event, Gilles shares his journey through improvisation theater, and demonstrates how the principles of improv serve as tools for enhancing soft skills, collaboration and leadership in any kind of environment, even the most dynamic.

You will discover how the art of making spontaneous decisions, collaborating in the moment, and playing off each other’s strengths can not only craft a captivating stage performance but also foster a powerful team.

Those skills are not rocket science, and anyone can acquire them. Expect hands-on exercises, personal anecdotes, and stimulating group discussions.

You will leave this session with a better understanding of improv, collaboration at work and leadership, as well as concrete tools you can use to explore those topics.

No prior improv experience necessary.

Gilles (He/Him) is a senior designer at :ratio, a UX agency based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

He organises UX events in Switzerland (IxDA Lausanne) and globally (IxDA Interaction conference).

He is also a speaker, a speaker coach, an hybrid event organisation consultant and he creates software like Gimbalst

Lately, he developed a passion for Improv theater.

Language: Will be held in English
Accessible: For everyone
Location: Antistatique, Lausanne

If you can't make it, the event will be available on Youtube afterwards.

#ImprovisationLeadership #LeadershipCoaching #CollaborationUXDesign #CollaborateWithClients #Spontaneity #Collaboration

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