#146 | Headless WordPress with Next.js after 3 years of experience

WordPress but 90% of code is JavaScript/React. Sounds unreal?

After 3 years of developing websites on Headless WordPress with Next.js, we've decided it's time to open-source our stack and show you the behind-the-scenes of the developer experience.

We’re excited to share our secret sauce that made us gain efficiency and joy on websites big and small (1 to 30'000+ pages) such as freerideworldtour.com, vidy.ch, swisscaution.ch, eca-vaud.ch.

This talk will mainly appeal to web developers and will contain a few technical bits, but anyone in management, sales, or design who has technical curiosity can find it interesting.


Will be held in English




Jobtrek, Lausanne

If you can't make it, the event will be available on Youtube afterwards. Thanks to our wonderful premium sponsors @superhuit, @liip_ch, @infomaniak & @HidoraSwiss who help us make these journey possible 🙂

#wordpress #next #decoupled #javascript #react #code #graphql

Our amazing sponsors

Thanks to our sponsors who help making these events happening and offering you beers.

Liip AG Hidora Superhuit Infomaniak

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