#145 | On ADHD & Creativity

More and more people are diagnosed with ADHD these days, and conversations surrounding ADHD have increased in recent years thanks to social media like Instagram. That said, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is still misunderstood by most people, including in the creative industry. What is ADHD? What is happening in the head of someone who has ADHD? What is creativity? Where do ideas come from? This talk will provide answers to these questions, and also, debunk several myths associated with ADHD.

In a humorous tone and using plain language, Noemi shares her personal experience living and working with ADHD. ADHD, best known as an executive dysfunction that creates forgetfulness, inattentiveness, and chronic lateness among other symptoms, is also a strength when it comes to creativity and problem solving. If harnessed properly and put to use in the right context, these unique skills can constitute strong and long-lasting advantages in many fields.

Language: Will be held in English
Accessible: For everyone
Location: Cospire, Lausanne

If you can't make it, the event will be available on Youtube afterwards.

#ADHD #ADHDawareness #ADHDeducation #CreativityWithADHD #ADHDmyths #ADHDstrengths

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